Lembrando que já tivemos Jojo's-feira e Dream Theater no mês sem fim. O Symphony X foi formado em 1994 pelo guitarrista Michael Romeo e há pelo menos 20 anos a banda vem com e Russel Allen (vocal), Michael LePond (baixo), Jason Rullo (bateria) e Michael Pinella (teclado).
O álbum "The Odyssey" é o sexto de estúdio da banda e ele foi inteiramente gravado na casa de Michael Romeo. A música título é baseada na "Odisseia" de Homero, um dos poemas mais famosos da Grécia antiga. Assim como a inspiração, a música é dividida por partes para contar a história:
- "Part I - Odysseus' Theme/Overture" (Romeo)
- "Part II - Journey to Ithaca" (Romeo, Allen)
- "Part III - The Eye" (Romeo)
- "Part IV - Circe (Daughter of the Sun)" (Romeo)
- "Part V - Sirens" (Romeo)
- "Part VI - Scylla and Charybdis" (Romeo)
- a) "Gulf of Doom"
- b) "Drifting Home"
- "Part VII - The Fate of the Suitors / Champion of Ithaca" (Romeo, Lepond)
Esqueça do mundo por quase meia hora e curta essa verdadeira odisseia musical:
To the one that I love, my journey has begun
When our eyes meet once more there will be peace
The taste of your lips, the warmth of your touch
Again, forever, two souls as one
Seems like forever that my eyes have been denied
Home, I'm dreamed of home
I've been twenty years away from all I ever knew
To return would make my dream come true
Seasons of sorrow have stolen all my years
I miss the rolling hills of Ithaca
I've been through battles and cried a sea of tears
But the tide is changing, and with it all my fears
Yeah! I will return!
Seems like forever that my eyes have been denied
Home, I'm dreamed of home
I've been twenty years away from all I ever knew
To return would make my dream come true
Behold the sea and winds of Jove
We set sail guided by the stars above
The ports of Troy escape our view
A cold and stormy fate awaits our rendezvous
Onward we ride, into the raging fury
Setting our course by the moon and sun
We forge ahead seeking glory
Yet the journey has just begun
Onward we ride, nine days we brave her might
We are coming home
Awakened at dawn, land dead ahead
With the winds of the morning we change course
No remorse, a place forbidden to all
Search all the grounds, find food and water
Yet journey not into the Cave of Woe
Long ago, a legend spoke of a beast
A thousand riches hidden deep within the stone
A thousand nightmares mortal's blood forever flows
A mountainous black, engulfed in a shadow
A bone-chilling growl and an eye of hate
A ghastly fate, held prisoner by the eye
Yet he must sleep, as the daylight fades
We focus our senses and sharpen our blade
We take aim, in silence we strike
A thousand riches hidden deep within the stone
A thousand nightmares, blood runs forever from the eye
We sit adrift on the open sea
The gift of wind, by Zeus, concealed, so carelessly
We break the waves on a course untrue
Across the endless plain of blue, a new coast in view
We carouse with the maiden
Beneath her eyes the madness lies
In mystery
I drink deep from the chalice
Of gold and jade, my senses fade
I'm mesmerized
Stay, like those before
I condemn you all, from walk to crawl
No, my will it defies her
Speak the verse, lift the curse
She's mesmerized
Am I asleep?
Tell me daughter of the sun
There's vengeance in the air and all things
All things must be undone
Dire warnings
Told by the sorceress in white
False bringers of love, Sirens
Echoing songs from above
Wings flowing
Floating on sea of lies
I defy their vision
Elysium swallows my cries
Maidens of lust stimulate
And manipulate my senses
I welcome a watery grave
Tied steadfast to the mast
Tragedy awaits me
I'm falling victim
Betrayed by the sea
So this is home
In the guise of a beggar, Minerva guides my way
I find my kingdom in jeopardy
Vengeance, it swells within me
As I spy so many who eye my queen
I'll make them pay for this blasphemy. All will see
Triumphant, champion of Ithaca
I will right all the wrongs
Let the gods sing my song
Triumphant, champion of Ithaca
Let a new life begin
My journey hascome to and end
A contest of valor
To pierce the twelve rings
In a single arrow's flight
Yet not a one can string the bow
My veil of silence lifted
All is revealed
Revenge burns in my heart
Thrashing and slashing down all my foes to claim the throne
Triumphant, champion of Ithaca
I will right all the wrongs
Let the gods sing my song
Triumphant, champion of Ithaca
Let a new life begin
This is the end of my odyssey
Seems like forever that my eyes have been denied
Home, I'm finally home
I've been twenty years away from all I ever knew
I have returned to make my dream come true
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